1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,667 PUKINGMONKEY: I am "Pukingmonkey" and we are going 2 00:00:03,667 --> 00:00:07,584 to talk about how your car is tracked today. 3 00:00:11,709 --> 00:00:16,751 Originally I noticed license plate readers a few years ago. 4 00:00:22,876 --> 00:00:26,417 I didn't know what they were, then I did. 5 00:00:34,959 --> 00:00:39,876 I build a detector, so when my toll booth thing was "red" 6 00:00:39,876 --> 00:00:42,000 it notified me. 7 00:00:44,709 --> 00:00:48,667 Then I noticed other ways we are tracked with smart phones 8 00:00:48,667 --> 00:00:51,167 and even "dumb" phones. 9 00:00:56,334 --> 00:01:00,375 I tracked down, you have the right to travel. 10 00:01:17,876 --> 00:01:20,999 You have the right to travel anonymously. 11 00:01:20,999 --> 00:01:24,501 And, generally, it's yes, it's if you're driving, 12 00:01:24,501 --> 00:01:27,626 because you have licensed. 13 00:01:27,709 --> 00:01:30,626 Taking a commercial flight, as we all know, to get here, or crossing 14 00:01:30,626 --> 00:01:32,667 an international border. 15 00:01:32,667 --> 00:01:35,083 Otherwise you do not need to have ID. 16 00:01:37,209 --> 00:01:40,083 License plate readers if you are not familiar 17 00:01:40,083 --> 00:01:43,999 with them basically are an OCRs on steroids. 18 00:01:44,667 --> 00:01:51,209 They use infrared and optical to find the license plate, do an OCR on it, 19 00:01:51,209 --> 00:01:57,667 track it where it's been found through GPS and coordinates. 20 00:01:57,876 --> 00:02:02,375 And if you get enough data points, they can track you whenever 21 00:02:02,375 --> 00:02:04,334 you've been. 22 00:02:06,667 --> 00:02:09,375 Here is some pictures of some New York City license 23 00:02:09,375 --> 00:02:11,083 plate readers. 24 00:02:11,083 --> 00:02:14,334 New York City tends to use a company called L Sag North America. 25 00:02:14,751 --> 00:02:21,584 You can see the back of the car, the one on the left is an older model, 26 00:02:21,584 --> 00:02:28,459 the one that's larger is a medium model, it's not the newest. 27 00:02:29,083 --> 00:02:34,125 You can see how they're mounted to aim toward license plates. 28 00:02:34,709 --> 00:02:38,459 And you can just see back on the back of it, this 29 00:02:38,459 --> 00:02:43,417 is actually another jurisdiction, this is by federal PIPs system 30 00:02:43,417 --> 00:02:49,584 and you can see it's under the light bar, there are three of them, left, right, 31 00:02:49,584 --> 00:02:51,209 and side. 32 00:02:52,626 --> 00:02:56,292 And that's L Sag's newest model and if you look at most of these 33 00:02:56,292 --> 00:02:59,918 they look like they have get the other one. 34 00:02:59,999 --> 00:03:03,501 They look like they have this is the old model. 35 00:03:03,501 --> 00:03:05,417 Which has two cameras in it. 36 00:03:06,999 --> 00:03:12,542 There is a visible light and infrared light camera and April bank 37 00:03:12,542 --> 00:03:18,083 of infrared LEDs and on the back of it says "do not look at this" 38 00:03:18,083 --> 00:03:21,542 the infrared LED radiation. 39 00:03:21,542 --> 00:03:24,334 The new one ASP on the light bar and looks like it has 40 00:03:24,334 --> 00:03:29,959 a single camera so I haven't figured out if it's it's probably just IR. 41 00:03:32,709 --> 00:03:37,584 If you get it just right you can see on the back the nice, red glow 42 00:03:37,584 --> 00:03:41,834 of the infrared LEDs and they pulse say the. 43 00:03:42,167 --> 00:03:46,999 These are fixed cameras at 40 Wall Street the Trump building 44 00:03:46,999 --> 00:03:50,999 on Broadway and that's the same three cameras 45 00:03:50,999 --> 00:03:54,999 at night that you can see the glow. 46 00:03:58,584 --> 00:04:01,959 When I told people I found these cameras, 47 00:04:01,959 --> 00:04:07,918 they say "I see them everywhere and they're not" these are traffic control 48 00:04:07,918 --> 00:04:12,792 cameras, look for your car instead of the loop in the ground, 49 00:04:12,792 --> 00:04:15,417 to change the lights. 50 00:04:15,667 --> 00:04:23,250 These are not license plate readers, either, these are red light cameras, 51 00:04:23,250 --> 00:04:30,083 what's the big deal with capturing the license plate information, 52 00:04:30,083 --> 00:04:36,501 they have time, location, and they keep it forever. 53 00:04:40,125 --> 00:04:44,999 New York City keeps it five years, Jersey keeps it five years, 54 00:04:44,999 --> 00:04:49,999 and I couldn't find data points for anything lower than 2009 where 55 00:04:49,999 --> 00:04:55,667 they had 108 fixed and 130 mobiles and I'm sure this number has not gone 56 00:04:55,667 --> 00:04:59,375 down and it's impossible to opt out. 57 00:04:59,375 --> 00:05:01,125 As you drive by you get read. 58 00:05:02,792 --> 00:05:05,250 So is it legal to do this tracking. 59 00:05:06,375 --> 00:05:10,999 Turns out it is, because there is no reasonable expectation 60 00:05:10,999 --> 00:05:15,999 of privacy of your license plate in public and these are the cases 61 00:05:15,999 --> 00:05:21,292 of why it is and people say, I heard that you can't GPS track my car 62 00:05:21,292 --> 00:05:24,209 without a warrant but that's different 63 00:05:24,209 --> 00:05:29,250 because the warrant was needed to put the GPS on the vehicle, not 64 00:05:29,250 --> 00:05:31,999 to actually track it. 65 00:05:36,584 --> 00:05:38,999 And the other question was they said 66 00:05:38,999 --> 00:05:43,542 they couldn't use infrared technology to look into my house and that 67 00:05:43,542 --> 00:05:47,999 is true but those are constitutionally protected areas and your car 68 00:05:47,999 --> 00:05:52,999 on a public street is not a constitutionally protected area. 69 00:05:55,999 --> 00:05:59,125 So FEMA has been funding this to local police departments 70 00:05:59,125 --> 00:06:03,083 for the last couple of years, 100% cost of the license plate readers 71 00:06:03,083 --> 00:06:05,751 has been coming from FEMA. 72 00:06:05,751 --> 00:06:10,667 This is a grant to Vermont for $6.6 million. 73 00:06:11,999 --> 00:06:15,918 This is the Vermont side of it saying, yes, we will use 100% 74 00:06:15,918 --> 00:06:20,083 of the proceedings from this to fund license plate readers and this 75 00:06:20,083 --> 00:06:22,876 is Burlington, Vermont, they purchased two 76 00:06:22,876 --> 00:06:26,999 for I know you can't read it, for $45,000 for two. 77 00:06:29,501 --> 00:06:33,542 So the retention data New Hampshire has a general ban on this, people 78 00:06:33,542 --> 00:06:36,999 of New Hampshire said no, which is great. 79 00:06:36,999 --> 00:06:40,792 I hear they're trying to ban them in Montana, working on that. 80 00:06:40,834 --> 00:06:42,250 Maine has a lot of these. 81 00:06:42,250 --> 00:06:44,999 You cannot store this data for more than 21 days in Maine 82 00:06:44,999 --> 00:06:48,209 if there is no criminal investigation. 83 00:06:48,209 --> 00:06:51,167 In New Jersey they must retain all data for five years and 84 00:06:51,167 --> 00:06:54,626 after five years it must be destroyed. 85 00:06:54,876 --> 00:06:57,999 Not sure how that works, I guess they don't have back ups. 86 00:06:59,999 --> 00:07:03,083 New York City retains it for five years even though 87 00:07:03,083 --> 00:07:06,999 they have video cam remarks video feeds, after 21 days if there 88 00:07:06,999 --> 00:07:09,999 is no crime involved in a video feed they claim 89 00:07:09,999 --> 00:07:12,584 they destroy the videos but they will keep 90 00:07:12,584 --> 00:07:15,999 the license plate data for five years. 91 00:07:17,083 --> 00:07:20,999 Now they have this data, and it's actually public data. 92 00:07:21,209 --> 00:07:25,209 Minneapolis released the data to the public and recant and I'll show 93 00:07:25,209 --> 00:07:27,083 you that later. 94 00:07:27,375 --> 00:07:29,999 It can be discoverable because it's data about you. 95 00:07:29,999 --> 00:07:32,751 Generally if there is an investigation about you, 96 00:07:32,751 --> 00:07:35,834 you can ask to see what the police have on you, 97 00:07:35,834 --> 00:07:39,999 in New York it's called "Rosario" and it's statement by them, and 98 00:07:39,999 --> 00:07:43,834 the police department has claimed this is not a statement 99 00:07:43,834 --> 00:07:47,417 but you cannot use it to discover it so they're using it 100 00:07:47,417 --> 00:07:51,417 investigate you but it's not a statement so you do not get it 101 00:07:51,417 --> 00:07:55,999 from them to see what they are investigating about you. 102 00:08:00,542 --> 00:08:06,334 And Minneapolis, the first column is the license plate number and the text, 103 00:08:06,334 --> 00:08:11,667 the time and the GPS coordinates with a picture of the license plate 104 00:08:11,667 --> 00:08:14,501 and the back of the car. 105 00:08:15,999 --> 00:08:18,918 They have fixed ones, too, and this is how they redacted it so you cannot 106 00:08:18,918 --> 00:08:21,876 find where their fixed license plate readers were. 107 00:08:22,375 --> 00:08:26,876 You can just look for them. 108 00:08:27,250 --> 00:08:31,125 It may not matter if there is retention or not because there 109 00:08:31,125 --> 00:08:36,876 is a commercial market for this there is a company F company called Vigilant 110 00:08:36,876 --> 00:08:41,999 Solutions and their sole customer is law enforcement and tow operators 111 00:08:41,999 --> 00:08:46,999 use this to find cars to be repo 'ed and law enforcement will buy it 112 00:08:46,999 --> 00:08:51,999 whether they have it retained or not and you can buy it from TLO.com 113 00:08:51,999 --> 00:08:55,999 for $10 a pop and you put in a license plate number and 114 00:08:55,999 --> 00:09:00,083 they will tell you where it has been seen. 115 00:09:00,584 --> 00:09:04,125 They say they have 1 pill I don't know data points, TLO. 116 00:09:05,459 --> 00:09:12,501 This is not law enforcement, this is one of the cars from Vigilant and 117 00:09:12,501 --> 00:09:19,417 they have their own license plate reader and it's infrared. 118 00:09:24,459 --> 00:09:27,626 I went about building my own and it's hard to avoid them 119 00:09:27,626 --> 00:09:30,959 because there is a lot of them, but at least you know there 120 00:09:30,959 --> 00:09:33,584 and because they're always on. 121 00:09:35,501 --> 00:09:41,083 I had a lot of failures, full sunlight, I have my detector, 122 00:09:41,083 --> 00:09:47,083 I'm detecting my remote control from 80 feet and I can't detect 123 00:09:47,083 --> 00:09:51,375 the reader but I had to use optical filters, 124 00:09:51,375 --> 00:09:58,334 the LEDs they're using are not standard that you find in remote controls, 125 00:09:58,334 --> 00:10:04,626 they're near IR, 755 nanometers, and the filter blocks everything 126 00:10:04,626 --> 00:10:09,999 below 720 nano meters and you can see it glows but there 127 00:10:09,999 --> 00:10:17,042 is ambient IR there and I got another filter that was 30 and you can see it 128 00:10:17,042 --> 00:10:22,000 shines right through so I use that to do it and this 129 00:10:22,000 --> 00:10:26,083 is why I'll describe this graph. 130 00:10:26,083 --> 00:10:29,999 The magenta is the standard infrared detector that 131 00:10:29,999 --> 00:10:36,501 you would find in commercial stuff, the bright red is the wave length 132 00:10:36,501 --> 00:10:40,751 of where the L Sag North America you can see 133 00:10:40,751 --> 00:10:46,626 I put up where the visible was and it's just above the red and 134 00:10:46,626 --> 00:10:52,167 the green is the filter and the black line is the detection 135 00:10:52,167 --> 00:10:58,999 of I bought a wide range photo diode, and the detector looks like this, 136 00:10:58,999 --> 00:11:03,959 and I will be at the hardware hacking village today 137 00:11:03,959 --> 00:11:08,125 and go over the full specs of this. 138 00:11:09,667 --> 00:11:13,459 That's the detector with the filter on it. 139 00:11:13,459 --> 00:11:20,334 I super glued it on to it and put it into the little old DSL splitter case, 140 00:11:20,334 --> 00:11:26,417 put LEDs on it and this is the proof of concept. 141 00:11:26,959 --> 00:11:29,292 (Noise! 142 00:11:38,999 --> 00:11:42,959 ) (Away from microphone.) Actually what it's 143 00:11:42,959 --> 00:11:46,542 doing in the IR is not pulsating it's ramping 144 00:11:46,542 --> 00:11:50,626 up from zero to full because they're trying to get 145 00:11:50,626 --> 00:11:54,083 the best exposure of the plate. 146 00:11:54,626 --> 00:12:02,167 It look to us like it ends up looking like a 3 Hertz frequency on it. 147 00:12:02,626 --> 00:12:06,083 So eventually it turned into this, because I tried 148 00:12:06,083 --> 00:12:11,999 to prevent false positives so anything between 3 and 9 Hertz will set it 149 00:12:11,999 --> 00:12:16,667 off and I use the monkey to tell me I got red and these are 150 00:12:16,667 --> 00:12:21,751 the same 3 and you can see in the next video where it is, there 151 00:12:21,751 --> 00:12:27,459 is a TGIF's on the right and scaffolding and it's right before the light 152 00:12:27,459 --> 00:12:32,667 but you get red near the TGIF's because it's angled. 153 00:12:35,417 --> 00:12:44,999 (Noise) There is the scaffolding on the right and the monkey screams! 154 00:12:45,501 --> 00:12:50,876 (Laughter.) (Applause.) Is there anything you can do 155 00:12:50,876 --> 00:12:55,459 about your license plate being read? 156 00:12:55,792 --> 00:12:57,584 There are things you can. 157 00:12:57,584 --> 00:13:00,167 Steve Jobs never had plates on his car. 158 00:13:00,876 --> 00:13:03,167 California had a law that you did not have 159 00:13:03,167 --> 00:13:06,999 to have a plate for six months, that's now been changed to 90 days 160 00:13:06,999 --> 00:13:10,584 but he got the same car over and over so he got a new car and 161 00:13:10,584 --> 00:13:13,959 he never had plates so if you have enough money you don't 162 00:13:13,959 --> 00:13:16,334 need plates in California. 163 00:13:16,999 --> 00:13:19,709 So maybe will he will he can help us, these are 164 00:13:19,709 --> 00:13:23,709 the guys that are running these devices and I found personal vehicles 165 00:13:23,709 --> 00:13:27,959 of police I blocked their license plate numbers not for their protection 166 00:13:27,959 --> 00:13:29,667 but for mine. 167 00:13:31,999 --> 00:13:35,125 This guy most of them are near police stations and 168 00:13:35,125 --> 00:13:39,459 they usually have tinted windows, they usually don't have inspection 169 00:13:39,459 --> 00:13:43,792 stickers, parked illegally, so they're easy to find. 170 00:13:43,792 --> 00:13:46,959 This guy doesn't have front plates he has a cover 171 00:13:46,959 --> 00:13:52,083 on his license plate that's dark, another illegal thing and you can see 172 00:13:52,083 --> 00:13:57,209 all except his windshield he has a PBA shield in his windshield that 173 00:13:57,209 --> 00:14:01,375 is not although indicative of a cop put this guy is and 174 00:14:01,375 --> 00:14:04,959 the windows are illegally tinted. 175 00:14:05,999 --> 00:14:10,584 This guy has the things that shift on the back and I know he's 176 00:14:10,584 --> 00:14:15,125 a cop because he's tinted up and parked in an MTA police only, 177 00:14:15,125 --> 00:14:18,584 otherwise he has a lot of balls! 178 00:14:20,209 --> 00:14:23,083 (Laughter.) This is the front and back. 179 00:14:24,083 --> 00:14:26,209 You can never get the full license plate number you would 180 00:14:26,209 --> 00:14:28,125 have to put it together. 181 00:14:29,667 --> 00:14:33,375 This guy is tinted, no front plate, back is there and I know it's 182 00:14:33,375 --> 00:14:36,999 a cop because he's standing next to the car. 183 00:14:36,999 --> 00:14:42,083 (Laughter.) I like this one. 184 00:14:42,125 --> 00:14:44,999 You can see the police car in the background but I only 185 00:14:44,999 --> 00:14:48,542 like this because he didn't care about his front plate he cared 186 00:14:48,542 --> 00:14:51,959 about the back more and he has "EFF" plates, I don't think 187 00:14:51,959 --> 00:14:54,083 he knows what that is! 188 00:14:56,083 --> 00:14:58,834 (Chuckles.) This was a uniformed officer making 189 00:14:58,834 --> 00:15:02,542 a right turn I captured and he's driving with his tail gate down and 190 00:15:02,542 --> 00:15:04,959 he has a piece of wood preventing whatever 191 00:15:04,959 --> 00:15:08,999 is in the back from rolling out, and he has stickers that says New Jersey 192 00:15:08,999 --> 00:15:12,918 state police and "hero" and I find out that's common. 193 00:15:17,417 --> 00:15:22,083 You can see him standing near the car in the top photo, 194 00:15:22,083 --> 00:15:25,584 he has occasion (Cutting out. 195 00:15:25,584 --> 00:15:29,584 ) Front plate and even his windshield is tinted black. 196 00:15:32,417 --> 00:15:35,626 He has his tail gate down, too, so you can't read it. 197 00:15:35,751 --> 00:15:38,417 Maybe he's just parked there because the other guy was driving, 198 00:15:38,417 --> 00:15:41,167 this guy was parked, maybe he's getting something out, 199 00:15:41,167 --> 00:15:45,792 few days later, I found it different spot, tail gate down, same car. 200 00:15:46,501 --> 00:15:51,334 Another one, it's illegally parked completely black no 201 00:15:51,334 --> 00:15:57,751 inspection sticker, no front plate and he, as well, has a darker cover 202 00:15:57,751 --> 00:16:00,250 on his back plate. 203 00:16:00,292 --> 00:16:01,999 This was the one that scared me 204 00:16:01,999 --> 00:16:04,667 because he came out as I was taking the picture and 205 00:16:04,667 --> 00:16:06,083 he said "what are you doing?" 206 00:16:06,083 --> 00:16:09,083 And I said "this car is absolutely beautiful I love it!" 207 00:16:09,083 --> 00:16:12,876 I'm glad it was a nice car and not a piece of crap! 208 00:16:14,459 --> 00:16:19,834 Thin blue line, front plate, completely black ended windows, 209 00:16:19,834 --> 00:16:23,709 windshield, and PBA license plates and (Away 210 00:16:23,709 --> 00:16:29,751 from microphone.) has a black shield over the back plate. 211 00:16:30,083 --> 00:16:33,709 What these cops do is typical, what I just said but you can't do any 212 00:16:33,709 --> 00:16:37,959 of this, this will get you pulled over in most jurisdictions. 213 00:16:37,959 --> 00:16:40,999 They can do it because no cop is going to give them a ticket, 214 00:16:40,999 --> 00:16:44,125 they're going to get professional courtesy. 215 00:16:45,751 --> 00:16:47,959 You can try and do temp tags but you run 216 00:16:47,959 --> 00:16:51,999 out of time and they're not always great because New York temp tags are not 217 00:16:51,999 --> 00:16:54,542 good in Massachusetts, they will impound your car 218 00:16:54,542 --> 00:16:58,999 as unregistered and uninsured, and then you have to tow it home. 219 00:17:01,918 --> 00:17:08,999 They tend the registrations tend to be one use numbers. 220 00:17:09,167 --> 00:17:12,209 I ran across these temp tags, I have no idea they have 221 00:17:12,209 --> 00:17:15,375 an expiration date there is no number and it seems to be 222 00:17:15,375 --> 00:17:17,209 from a company. 223 00:17:17,334 --> 00:17:20,459 Or maybe they just don't care. 224 00:17:20,999 --> 00:17:24,959 Or maybe it's Georgia doesn't care, because it's 225 00:17:24,959 --> 00:17:32,375 from Georgia so you get 90 days and most people can't go through there. 226 00:17:33,667 --> 00:17:36,584 You can get commercial plates so they aren't registered 227 00:17:36,584 --> 00:17:39,292 to you and there are problems with commercial plates 228 00:17:39,292 --> 00:17:41,709 because in New York commercial vehicles have 229 00:17:41,709 --> 00:17:45,417 a different rule set than vehicles and you can see, police check point, 230 00:17:45,417 --> 00:17:49,125 all commercial vehicles must stop and they look inside each struck this 231 00:17:49,125 --> 00:17:51,959 is not just to check documents. 232 00:17:54,584 --> 00:17:57,959 Since it's not usually theirs, they comply, sure you want to look 233 00:17:57,959 --> 00:18:02,250 in the back of my truck, go ahead, they want to get their job done. 234 00:18:03,083 --> 00:18:05,999 The other things that are hard for the LPR, 235 00:18:05,999 --> 00:18:09,083 North Carolina took a bunch of plates and ran 'em 236 00:18:09,083 --> 00:18:13,125 through to see what LPRs had difficulty reading. 237 00:18:13,167 --> 00:18:16,834 If you have a nonreflective plate it's invisible 238 00:18:16,834 --> 00:18:20,999 at night and it's difficult during the day. 239 00:18:21,292 --> 00:18:23,999 Nonrefrequent active plates are uncommon now. 240 00:18:24,834 --> 00:18:28,417 If you decide you can remove the reflectivity but it's a crime 241 00:18:28,417 --> 00:18:31,999 in California to do this and if you're in Massachusetts you 242 00:18:31,999 --> 00:18:36,999 will fail inspection and you have to get a new plate and go through. 243 00:18:36,999 --> 00:18:40,999 Low contrast plates, the color of the letter is close to the color 244 00:18:40,999 --> 00:18:43,751 of the background, red characters it tends 245 00:18:43,751 --> 00:18:47,501 to have trouble with and if you have three or more stacked 246 00:18:47,501 --> 00:18:51,999 characters because they tend to be small it tends to miss those and 247 00:18:51,999 --> 00:18:56,417 if you put registration stickers like Missouri I think puts it right 248 00:18:56,417 --> 00:19:00,209 in the middle of the plate near the letters and that tends 249 00:19:00,209 --> 00:19:04,751 to screw it up, too, so they have trouble with that. 250 00:19:05,083 --> 00:19:08,626 8 digits or more, narrow letters are not great and great 251 00:19:08,626 --> 00:19:12,834 if you have a front plate, only read half the time. 252 00:19:13,334 --> 00:19:17,209 These are the states that have the greens are 253 00:19:17,209 --> 00:19:22,792 the states that have one plate, red will have Nevada is special 254 00:19:22,792 --> 00:19:27,250 because they have there are rules for it. 255 00:19:29,792 --> 00:19:34,292 And these are the states with legal, nonreflective plates that are still valid, 256 00:19:34,292 --> 00:19:36,083 not very many. 257 00:19:37,709 --> 00:19:42,125 You can try manufacturer plates but this is the date 258 00:19:42,125 --> 00:19:48,667 of the youngest car you can have, for California it's you would only going 259 00:19:48,667 --> 00:19:52,999 to 1962, so that doesn't work, either. 260 00:19:53,999 --> 00:19:56,999 See a lot of obscure plates, people using 261 00:19:56,999 --> 00:20:00,999 whether they're doing this on purpose or not is unknown 262 00:20:00,999 --> 00:20:04,125 to me but this causes problems. 263 00:20:04,125 --> 00:20:08,000 You get salt spreaders, plows, monkeys, tail gates, 264 00:20:08,000 --> 00:20:15,167 I'm not sure what the front of one of those is but the bicycle things make 265 00:20:15,167 --> 00:20:20,542 it impossible to get a read but these are all these can 266 00:20:20,542 --> 00:20:26,501 all get you a citation, they tend to be not moving violations, 267 00:20:26,501 --> 00:20:32,834 obscure plates, it's a $100 fine, no court appearance, you pay it 268 00:20:32,834 --> 00:20:34,999 and move on. 269 00:20:34,999 --> 00:20:38,334 Or you can get some plates that is not your number. 270 00:20:38,501 --> 00:20:40,709 This is the University of Michigan plates 271 00:20:40,709 --> 00:20:43,999 but the it leading "M" on both of those is not part 272 00:20:43,999 --> 00:20:46,834 of the registration number. 273 00:20:47,834 --> 00:20:50,501 They can still get you because they have a full number, it 274 00:20:50,501 --> 00:20:52,999 will be figured out eventually. 275 00:20:52,999 --> 00:20:54,792 You can do bumper guards if you're parked 276 00:20:54,792 --> 00:20:57,375 because they read 'em when you're parked they ride 277 00:20:57,375 --> 00:21:00,250 down the street reading the plates. 278 00:21:02,375 --> 00:21:05,999 More bumper guards but don't drive I have seen people 279 00:21:05,999 --> 00:21:08,999 driving down the road with that covered, and 280 00:21:08,999 --> 00:21:12,417 the other worry is if you have no plates on your car, 281 00:21:12,417 --> 00:21:18,542 every jurisdiction no plates cars are abandoned and subject to confiscation. 282 00:21:21,083 --> 00:21:23,167 You can legally if you have Easy Pass 283 00:21:23,167 --> 00:21:27,083 in your jurisdiction you can usually legally obscure your front plate 284 00:21:27,083 --> 00:21:30,876 and there is a law for it and there is one exception and that's 285 00:21:30,876 --> 00:21:33,626 for the external EZ Pass reader. 286 00:21:40,999 --> 00:21:43,918 Don't do this, these are government documents 287 00:21:43,918 --> 00:21:47,292 and you will be charged with tampering. 288 00:21:48,375 --> 00:21:55,542 So I built a camera to see what the license plate readers are seeing 289 00:21:55,542 --> 00:22:01,375 but most commercial infrared cameras are 850 so I bought 290 00:22:01,375 --> 00:22:07,501 the 750 nanometers LEDs to see what shows up with that and 291 00:22:07,501 --> 00:22:13,751 the 735 LEDs, the 420 guys like this for grow lights so I'm 292 00:22:13,751 --> 00:22:17,542 on some other list now too! 293 00:22:24,626 --> 00:22:28,999 (Laughter.) You can buy these things that say "hey, 294 00:22:28,999 --> 00:22:34,626 no red light camera" put this on the back, it's clear, it blocks 295 00:22:34,626 --> 00:22:39,459 above 850 nano meters but since the license plate reader 296 00:22:39,459 --> 00:22:45,083 is below that, the first one it's regular, this is the middle one 297 00:22:45,083 --> 00:22:49,334 is with the 730 and if it's 850, these kinda work 298 00:22:49,334 --> 00:22:52,876 but they're illegal as well. 299 00:22:52,876 --> 00:22:55,626 You can see what they do on other plates. 300 00:23:00,083 --> 00:23:04,999 I ran across this by accident using the camera on plates 301 00:23:04,999 --> 00:23:10,834 during the wintertime since I'm from a place that salts their roads 302 00:23:10,834 --> 00:23:16,999 and this is a license plate with a whole bunch of salt on it. 303 00:23:17,501 --> 00:23:20,584 Visually it doesn't look too much different on the top, this 304 00:23:20,584 --> 00:23:23,751 is with the flash and that's with the IR. 305 00:23:25,375 --> 00:23:27,792 That's a moderate amount of salt because it looks 306 00:23:27,792 --> 00:23:30,999 like the salt absorbs enough of the IR to make it unreadable and that's 307 00:23:30,999 --> 00:23:32,999 with "a lot" of salt. 308 00:23:34,083 --> 00:23:42,167 I don't want to go through those. 309 00:23:42,167 --> 00:23:45,792 You can get these are states that have stacked characters, you want 310 00:23:45,792 --> 00:23:48,709 the one like New York that has NYPD makes it 311 00:23:48,709 --> 00:23:51,999 difficult to read, the Jerseys once aren't great, 312 00:23:51,999 --> 00:23:53,999 easy to detect. 313 00:23:54,125 --> 00:23:57,375 You can get special characters that are hearts and ampersands, 314 00:23:57,375 --> 00:24:01,209 and they're sometimes IPR'd, and some states have those. 315 00:24:08,375 --> 00:24:13,834 You can change your plates as much as possible so it won't avoid detections 316 00:24:13,834 --> 00:24:17,709 and you won't have that big of a history. 317 00:24:20,292 --> 00:24:22,999 In Florida it's country by country but one 318 00:24:22,999 --> 00:24:27,542 of them I think it was Mississippi it's $1.25, you can change your plates 319 00:24:27,542 --> 00:24:29,751 every day at lunch. 320 00:24:29,834 --> 00:24:34,250 (Laughter.) If it weren't for the DMV taking four hours. 321 00:24:36,125 --> 00:24:38,501 Manufacture them are reasonably priced. 322 00:24:40,792 --> 00:24:44,375 These are the states with the eight character plates, 323 00:24:44,375 --> 00:24:49,292 not very much and that's it for the license plate reader. 324 00:24:49,292 --> 00:24:55,167 Then I moved on to the EZ Pass, electronic toll collection tags, 325 00:24:55,167 --> 00:25:00,959 most people forget they're in the windshield and it's 326 00:25:00,959 --> 00:25:07,584 at 915 megahertz and most of them don't have batteries anymore, 327 00:25:07,584 --> 00:25:14,209 I took mine apart, has a nice battery, has a switch and figured 328 00:25:14,209 --> 00:25:20,083 out the current draw of when it was being read and not, 329 00:25:20,083 --> 00:25:25,834 you shouldn't do this because it's not your property, 330 00:25:25,834 --> 00:25:33,542 you have to return these and I basically built a low side voltage detects 331 00:25:33,542 --> 00:25:41,834 and when it went off it would setoff the timer and make the cow moo. 332 00:25:43,876 --> 00:25:46,999 The circuit integrated into it, put an on and off switch 333 00:25:46,999 --> 00:25:50,083 on it so I can turn it off while I'm driving and drove 334 00:25:50,083 --> 00:25:53,083 around and found where it got read. 335 00:25:54,083 --> 00:25:57,667 This place, there is no tolls here, but it would go 336 00:25:57,667 --> 00:26:01,792 off underneath the sign so I stopped on the side of the road 337 00:26:01,792 --> 00:26:05,083 and looked backwards and it may not be on purposes 338 00:26:05,083 --> 00:26:11,083 but you can sigh there are two readers behind the sign, white boxes there. 339 00:26:12,999 --> 00:26:15,959 These aren't hidden, they're just out there. 340 00:26:17,083 --> 00:26:18,999 This is the access to the Lincoln Tunnel 341 00:26:18,999 --> 00:26:21,083 from the Jersey side. 342 00:26:21,083 --> 00:26:23,999 If you're up top, you're committed to going through the tunnel to pay 343 00:26:23,999 --> 00:26:26,584 the toll, and there are three here and you can see 344 00:26:26,584 --> 00:26:30,999 the one that reads you but it's not going to charge you the toll. 345 00:26:30,999 --> 00:26:32,999 You will get charged the toll at the toll and you will get read 346 00:26:32,999 --> 00:26:35,083 at the entrance of the tunnel. 347 00:26:35,334 --> 00:26:39,999 And they want to know, because this is the last exit, there is one 348 00:26:39,999 --> 00:26:45,751 at the exit for the last exit in Jersey, so it's being watched. 349 00:26:46,083 --> 00:26:47,999 You drive around New York City and you 350 00:26:47,999 --> 00:26:50,501 will see them hanging from lights. 351 00:26:53,083 --> 00:26:58,459 And I made it easy to see, another one. 352 00:26:58,459 --> 00:27:00,375 I got tired of taking pictures of them. 353 00:27:00,999 --> 00:27:04,999 These are from a company called Trans Core. 354 00:27:05,083 --> 00:27:08,209 They can read all the protocols including EZ Pass 355 00:27:08,209 --> 00:27:12,167 which was a closed protocol until a few months ago and 356 00:27:12,167 --> 00:27:16,876 they had it reversed engineered, and it will read the Sun Pass 357 00:27:16,876 --> 00:27:20,584 from Florida and that's why New York City likes it, 358 00:27:20,584 --> 00:27:22,999 they get everybody. 359 00:27:24,709 --> 00:27:31,709 I didn't like I had to be detected, it was like a ping, so for me to find 360 00:27:31,709 --> 00:27:36,918 out if I was being read I had to give my position away 361 00:27:36,918 --> 00:27:41,542 as well so I got a 915 megahertz radio and put it 362 00:27:41,542 --> 00:27:46,876 in a tin with a little meter on it and we'll do a proof 363 00:27:46,876 --> 00:27:53,375 of concept here, the Adrena One is in the cow on the left and the one 364 00:27:53,375 --> 00:27:56,417 on the right I built. 365 00:27:56,417 --> 00:27:57,417 (Noise. 366 00:27:59,999 --> 00:28:12,667 ) (Cow mooing.) And right under the sign, as predicted, it gets red. 367 00:28:15,667 --> 00:28:22,375 We will go through the Holland Tunnel again, 368 00:28:22,375 --> 00:28:33,167 maybe we will do that again, to show an EZ Pass works just fine. 369 00:28:43,417 --> 00:28:46,292 (Applause.) On the first one I showed you I circled 370 00:28:46,292 --> 00:28:50,459 the tag and the cow on the bottom is already going off. 371 00:28:52,083 --> 00:28:56,292 I did a rundown 7th avenue from 44th Street Time Square area 372 00:28:56,292 --> 00:29:01,959 to Madison Square garden and you will see how often it gets read. 373 00:29:02,459 --> 00:29:04,292 It's going already. 374 00:29:07,459 --> 00:29:09,918 It moos only a couple of times but as long as the nose 375 00:29:09,918 --> 00:29:11,876 is on it's being read. 376 00:29:12,626 --> 00:29:20,250 This is a 5 minute journey, so it's being sped up. 377 00:29:20,250 --> 00:29:22,083 Still on. 378 00:29:45,792 --> 00:29:50,083 (Mooing, mooing, mooing) (More mooing! 379 00:29:50,083 --> 00:29:55,999 ) I'm in traffic. 380 00:30:01,125 --> 00:30:10,876 (Mooing, mooing) (Mooing, mooing) (Mooing, mooing, 381 00:30:10,876 --> 00:30:22,959 mooing) It goes off as soon as you pass 31st street and remains 382 00:30:22,959 --> 00:30:36,209 off until the Lincoln Tunnel, which is not a toll, and this is exiting 383 00:30:36,209 --> 00:30:44,334 from Manhattan at the Lincoln Tunnel. 384 00:30:44,334 --> 00:30:48,918 (Mooing, mooing, mooing) The New York state 385 00:30:48,918 --> 00:30:53,209 Department of Transportation admits 386 00:30:53,209 --> 00:30:59,626 they do read your easy pass but I didn't expect it 387 00:30:59,626 --> 00:31:03,334 at every intersection. 388 00:31:05,334 --> 00:31:08,542 They say they do this for travel times. 389 00:31:08,542 --> 00:31:11,459 I have never seen travel times in the middle of Manhattan! 390 00:31:13,250 --> 00:31:15,918 (Chuckles.) What do they do with this data? 391 00:31:16,292 --> 00:31:20,667 Do they retain it give it to the NSA, the "New York Times" said they did! 392 00:31:24,999 --> 00:31:28,999 (Chuckles.) This is easy, if you have these things you put it 393 00:31:28,999 --> 00:31:33,709 in the antistatic thing they gave you, it can't be read or if you have 394 00:31:33,709 --> 00:31:36,959 a sticker you're going to have to build the cage 395 00:31:36,959 --> 00:31:40,709 around and it I got that idea from the car rental company 396 00:31:40,709 --> 00:31:43,999 they have these fold down things so you can pop it 397 00:31:43,999 --> 00:31:47,918 up and it won't be read, but if you do that, it gets read 398 00:31:47,918 --> 00:31:52,667 before the toll, at the toll and after the toll so if you're doing that, 399 00:31:52,667 --> 00:31:56,167 you're not showing up at these other places you may be 400 00:31:56,167 --> 00:31:58,667 a person of interest. 401 00:31:58,876 --> 00:32:01,167 If you're only seen at the toll. 402 00:32:02,125 --> 00:32:06,083 Then we come to your tires. 403 00:32:06,626 --> 00:32:12,584 Back in 2000 Firestone had a strike and replacement workers made their 404 00:32:12,584 --> 00:32:16,334 tires and they tended to blow up. 405 00:32:17,083 --> 00:32:22,167 Something got passed called "Tread" and they wanted toe track who made 406 00:32:22,167 --> 00:32:25,334 the tires because there was never any there 407 00:32:25,334 --> 00:32:29,250 is no serial number on tires, they're molded, the mold 408 00:32:29,250 --> 00:32:33,999 from 10 years ago is the same as today so you can't tell when it 409 00:32:33,999 --> 00:32:35,626 got made. 410 00:32:35,999 --> 00:32:39,918 So there are a couple of things in your wheels. 411 00:32:39,918 --> 00:32:42,584 First one is the tire pressure monitoring system that's not 412 00:32:42,584 --> 00:32:47,667 in the tire that's part of your rim on the backside of the valve stem. 413 00:32:47,999 --> 00:32:53,250 This transmits at 315 megahertz and it's unique per rim. 414 00:32:53,918 --> 00:32:57,459 This is not so bad because to get your ID somebody has 415 00:32:57,459 --> 00:33:01,999 to some to your car and get the ID, but they could. 416 00:33:02,876 --> 00:33:07,417 Then the tire manufacturers are putting RIFDs in the sidewalls themselves. 417 00:33:07,918 --> 00:33:13,918 There is a unique serial number in each, Michelin uses 915 megahertz, 418 00:33:13,918 --> 00:33:19,999 Good Year could not get that to work, if you get your tires from Ford, 419 00:33:19,999 --> 00:33:24,417 Chrysler, they put the VIN number in the tire so now 420 00:33:24,417 --> 00:33:28,334 the VIN number that goes to your state I know 421 00:33:28,334 --> 00:33:33,584 of no one that's doing it but if I were somebody that wanted 422 00:33:33,584 --> 00:33:38,999 to track I would be putting sensors at sides of roads and this 423 00:33:38,999 --> 00:33:43,083 is a tire pressure monitoring system. 424 00:33:43,083 --> 00:33:46,584 This was a picture showing a run flat tire and you can see where 425 00:33:46,584 --> 00:33:49,999 they cut away the run flat it's a transmitter, it's 426 00:33:49,999 --> 00:33:54,250 like the EZ Pass, has a circuitry, battery in it. 427 00:33:59,125 --> 00:34:01,834 You can't take your tires off and put them back 428 00:34:01,834 --> 00:34:04,375 on yourself you need somebody else to do that and 429 00:34:04,375 --> 00:34:07,375 if you disable your tire pressure monitoring system you 430 00:34:07,375 --> 00:34:09,751 will have that light on the your dashboard 431 00:34:09,751 --> 00:34:13,417 the entire time and if you have an automobile inspection you probably 432 00:34:13,417 --> 00:34:16,999 won't pass it because in Jersey if you have an indicator light on, 433 00:34:16,999 --> 00:34:20,876 check engine, low tire pressure, seat belt indicator does not work you 434 00:34:20,876 --> 00:34:23,083 will not pass inspection. 435 00:34:24,542 --> 00:34:27,125 You might want to try and jam it. 436 00:34:27,959 --> 00:34:31,751 I was unsuccessful at doing that, that's for later. 437 00:34:31,876 --> 00:34:34,083 You can try an EMP pulse that maybe the chip 438 00:34:34,083 --> 00:34:39,083 is in the sidewall of the tires but rubber absorbs RF very well. 439 00:34:40,751 --> 00:34:44,751 There are other RFD things around, parking passes, hang tags, 440 00:34:44,751 --> 00:34:48,375 you can get a radio to see if that's what happens if it's 441 00:34:48,375 --> 00:34:53,959 a hang tag and something opens a gate for you it's probably an RFID. 442 00:34:53,999 --> 00:34:57,083 There is a community that used their parking permits 443 00:34:57,083 --> 00:35:01,250 because they had so much counter fit parking stickers for the street 444 00:35:01,250 --> 00:35:05,209 they put RFIDs in them and put them on the cars you want to park 445 00:35:05,209 --> 00:35:08,918 on the street you're going to be detected, too, it's tough 446 00:35:08,918 --> 00:35:10,999 to get around it. 447 00:35:10,999 --> 00:35:14,999 Italy is doing this and Texas was going to put them in their inspection stickers 448 00:35:14,999 --> 00:35:17,999 but I don't know if that passed. 449 00:35:17,999 --> 00:35:21,417 So you need to not use those if you can. 450 00:35:23,751 --> 00:35:27,834 I came across a company called Inrix and they collect position data 451 00:35:27,834 --> 00:35:30,209 from 100 million devices. 452 00:35:30,209 --> 00:35:32,999 Google maps uses them for their traffic flow, six 453 00:35:32,999 --> 00:35:37,999 of the auto manufacturers with built in nav uses Inrix, 8 out of 12 454 00:35:37,999 --> 00:35:42,584 in the top navigation apps in the iStore use these people, and 455 00:35:42,584 --> 00:35:45,292 they track dumb phones with contracts 456 00:35:45,292 --> 00:35:48,584 with the cell phone companies. 457 00:35:48,584 --> 00:35:51,999 And they originally started by tracking commercial truck fleets. 458 00:35:51,999 --> 00:35:54,626 So they have lots of data on you. 459 00:35:54,626 --> 00:35:56,999 If you use any of these apps, you've giving it to them and 460 00:35:56,999 --> 00:35:59,083 they know who you are. 461 00:35:59,209 --> 00:36:03,999 So at the end of the day, you need to assault your plate, bag your tag, 462 00:36:03,999 --> 00:36:08,417 jam your tires, turn off all electronic devices. 463 00:36:08,417 --> 00:36:09,999 And that's it! 464 00:36:17,834 --> 00:36:21,501 (Applause.) I will take questions if you have them. 465 00:36:21,501 --> 00:36:24,667 AUDIENCE MEMBER: (Away from microphone.) Lighting 466 00:36:24,667 --> 00:36:28,999 the back of the car with LEDs you can do that to block it, 467 00:36:28,999 --> 00:36:33,876 you're going to need both of them but many states have if you jam 468 00:36:33,876 --> 00:36:38,167 a red light camera you have committed a crime. 469 00:36:38,167 --> 00:36:41,083 AUDIENCE MEMBER: (Away from microphone.) The back 470 00:36:41,083 --> 00:36:44,751 of the lights, no, it's usually open worded saying 471 00:36:44,751 --> 00:36:48,542 if you can defeat a red light camera any means any way 472 00:36:48,542 --> 00:36:51,417 you have committed a crime. 473 00:36:51,876 --> 00:36:57,709 So they're illegal and if I was the LPR guys and you think you have IR 474 00:36:57,709 --> 00:37:01,292 and you used 850, if I was L Sag I would put 475 00:37:01,292 --> 00:37:05,709 the same blocker you put on your plate to block that 476 00:37:05,709 --> 00:37:10,999 and I won't see your LEDs because 740s are uncommon. 477 00:37:19,083 --> 00:37:20,999 Wait, it's coming. 478 00:37:22,083 --> 00:37:27,918 AUDIENCE MEMBER: You stated the toll collection is shared with NSA. 479 00:37:27,918 --> 00:37:29,334 Does that apply to LPRs? 480 00:37:29,334 --> 00:37:31,751 I don't know that. 481 00:37:31,751 --> 00:37:36,792 The only reason I know it was shared is because "New York Times" said 482 00:37:36,792 --> 00:37:40,999 in one of the articles written after Snowden that 483 00:37:40,999 --> 00:37:45,918 they get EZ Pass data, most people think it's at the tows, 484 00:37:45,918 --> 00:37:51,999 big deal, but it's much more than that, but it tend to be government data 485 00:37:51,999 --> 00:37:55,501 and since FEMA is fund it's part of their 486 00:37:55,501 --> 00:37:59,792 for this money we want your data, too. 487 00:37:59,999 --> 00:38:03,417 I have no documents saying that. 488 00:38:03,417 --> 00:38:06,125 AUDIENCE MEMBER: How about Frisnel lenses 489 00:38:06,125 --> 00:38:11,667 or dust covers PUKINGMONKEY: All these things every jurisdiction has 490 00:38:11,667 --> 00:38:16,292 an obscure plate law so if you obscure your plate AUDIENCE 491 00:38:16,292 --> 00:38:18,999 MEMBER: (Away from microphone.) 492 00:38:18,999 --> 00:38:23,375 PUKINGMONKEY: To depends on the jurisdiction. 493 00:38:23,375 --> 00:38:27,334 Most of 'em like if the red light camera can't get one of them is Pennsylvania, 494 00:38:27,334 --> 00:38:31,417 that's the one I knew well because basically it's broad: Anything 495 00:38:31,417 --> 00:38:35,375 you do to defeat a red light camera is illegal. 496 00:38:35,375 --> 00:38:38,626 It's a misdemeanor but it's more than a moving violation; 497 00:38:38,626 --> 00:38:40,459 it's a crime. 498 00:38:41,999 --> 00:38:44,083 That would fall under that. 499 00:38:44,083 --> 00:38:48,999 I think California has the same law, too, but don't quote me on that. 500 00:38:48,999 --> 00:38:52,334 I read a lot of state laws and they all start with to blur together. 501 00:38:53,834 --> 00:38:57,501 I would suggest you check your sources 502 00:38:57,501 --> 00:39:02,876 on the "New York Times" article as far as the availability 503 00:39:02,876 --> 00:39:06,876 of the toll tag reader ID to NSA. 504 00:39:06,999 --> 00:39:09,834 I know the people who built the system. 505 00:39:09,834 --> 00:39:10,999 PUKINGMONKEY: Yeah. 506 00:39:10,999 --> 00:39:12,667 We don't keep any of that data. 507 00:39:12,667 --> 00:39:14,999 PUKINGMONKEY: Is that New York City DOT? 508 00:39:14,999 --> 00:39:18,751 Yes, along with the system the DOT, the last thing they want to know 509 00:39:18,751 --> 00:39:21,999 is who the hell is driving that car. 510 00:39:23,999 --> 00:39:26,999 PUKINGMONKEY: But they said EZ Pass data 511 00:39:26,999 --> 00:39:31,959 if it was actually All toll tag datas are scrubbed, so double check 512 00:39:31,959 --> 00:39:34,999 the source on the "New York Times" and also 513 00:39:34,999 --> 00:39:39,834 with the Inrix data, you might want to double check that source, too, 514 00:39:39,834 --> 00:39:42,417 because I challenge you to find anyone 515 00:39:42,417 --> 00:39:45,999 at Inrix that can pinpoint a vehicle. 516 00:39:45,999 --> 00:39:48,292 PUKINGMONKEY: I'm not saying they can't. 517 00:39:48,292 --> 00:39:52,209 All I'm letting you know is you are being tracked, at this point. 518 00:39:52,209 --> 00:39:54,083 AUDIENCE MEMBER: You're being tracked on your Android phone, 519 00:39:54,083 --> 00:39:55,751 but I think Google has a better chance 520 00:39:55,751 --> 00:39:57,999 of identifying you than Inrix. 521 00:39:57,999 --> 00:40:02,999 AUDIENCE MEMBER: (Away from microphone.) (Applause.) 522 00:40:02,999 --> 00:40:06,417 Where do you want to go? 523 00:40:06,667 --> 00:40:11,167 (Laughter.) AUDIENCE MEMBER: I was wondering 524 00:40:11,167 --> 00:40:17,459 if you've done any experiments with putting, like, a coat 525 00:40:17,459 --> 00:40:27,209 of clear coat paint over a layer of salt to stabilize it so it doesn't watch off? 526 00:40:27,209 --> 00:40:27,999 PUKINGMONKEY: No, I actually want it to wash 527 00:40:27,999 --> 00:40:31,292 off because let's say you have to go through a car inspection. 528 00:40:31,876 --> 00:40:38,999 You have to wash it off but these are up to I'm not saying to do any of this, 529 00:40:38,999 --> 00:40:42,876 actually, this is just ideas. 530 00:40:47,876 --> 00:40:51,334 (Laughter.) These are just ideas! 531 00:40:51,334 --> 00:40:53,083 AUDIENCE MEMBER: (Away from microphone.) 532 00:40:53,083 --> 00:40:57,667 PUKINGMONKEY: I'm not sure how they detect if it's reflective or not, right, 533 00:40:57,667 --> 00:41:02,334 because it's a laser beam that says if I get enough back it's fine, at a corner, 534 00:41:02,334 --> 00:41:05,083 all I know is that is part of their inspection 535 00:41:05,083 --> 00:41:07,501 criteria, Massachusetts. 536 00:41:07,501 --> 00:41:12,999 AUDIENCE MEMBER: Is there any state law that says you must keep your 537 00:41:12,999 --> 00:41:15,876 license plate clean? 538 00:41:16,626 --> 00:41:19,876 PUKINGMONKEY: It's the same as the obscured plate law. 539 00:41:21,959 --> 00:41:25,083 You cannot put mud or stuff on it. 540 00:41:25,167 --> 00:41:28,334 Typically it has to be visible and that's why I liked the salt 541 00:41:28,334 --> 00:41:32,999 because visibly it doesn't look like it, and in states that have winters it's 542 00:41:32,999 --> 00:41:37,999 kinda common to have salted plates, not probably very common out here. 543 00:41:39,918 --> 00:41:45,999 AUDIENCE MEMBER: My question is how did you salt your plates 544 00:41:45,999 --> 00:41:49,250 to maintain deniability. 545 00:41:49,250 --> 00:41:53,584 PUKINGMONKEY: Water, salt, super saturated, pour on the plate, 546 00:41:53,584 --> 00:41:56,417 off the car, let it dry. 547 00:42:02,501 --> 00:42:11,667 AUDIENCE MEMBER: Thanks for speaking with us. 548 00:42:11,751 --> 00:42:16,417 I had a quick question about the data and how it's available. 549 00:42:16,626 --> 00:42:22,918 If we can contact our local counties and get this information for free? 550 00:42:23,083 --> 00:42:27,501 As far as when our plates were read? 551 00:42:27,501 --> 00:42:32,542 PUKINGMONKEY: I don't know how they typically will not give this data out. 552 00:42:32,542 --> 00:42:34,209 Minneapolis is the only one I know. 553 00:42:34,209 --> 00:42:37,209 They did it briefly and then recanted and said we're not going 554 00:42:37,209 --> 00:42:42,459 to provide this anymore, so I know of no one that is proving it to people, 555 00:42:42,459 --> 00:42:45,959 but the company, TLO.com, you can purchase that, 556 00:42:45,959 --> 00:42:49,959 but it's privately collected data, which there is no laws 557 00:42:49,959 --> 00:42:52,209 against any of that. 558 00:42:52,626 --> 00:43:01,083 AUDIENCE MEMBER: Thank you. 559 00:43:01,083 --> 00:43:05,876 AUDIENCE MEMBER: You put effort into investigating state by state 560 00:43:05,876 --> 00:43:08,999 the rules for changing license plates 561 00:43:08,999 --> 00:43:14,792 and I appreciate that but what is the perceived advantage? 562 00:43:16,626 --> 00:43:18,999 PUKINGMONKEY: You have less of a history. 563 00:43:19,459 --> 00:43:22,542 You can still if people have a routine that's every day 564 00:43:22,542 --> 00:43:26,709 of the week you're detected very quickly, but they could go back 565 00:43:26,709 --> 00:43:29,584 and say, well, he's only done this for a week 566 00:43:29,584 --> 00:43:32,999 if you change your plates every week. 567 00:43:33,792 --> 00:43:36,334 But they also have all your previous plates 568 00:43:36,334 --> 00:43:38,999 but I don't think that's a common practice 569 00:43:38,999 --> 00:43:42,876 to change your plates a lot so they might not say, let's go back 570 00:43:42,876 --> 00:43:47,167 and look for all his old plates but it would be trivial to do that query, 571 00:43:47,167 --> 00:43:50,417 here is his ten plates, run 'em all. 572 00:43:50,584 --> 00:43:55,167 AUDIENCE MEMBER: Do you know of any paint that you can use 573 00:43:55,167 --> 00:44:02,584 on the infrared spectrum that would be transparent on the visible spectrum? 574 00:44:02,584 --> 00:44:06,999 PUKINGMONKEY: Myth busters did this and busted it so I didn't go 575 00:44:06,999 --> 00:44:09,083 down that road. 576 00:44:10,083 --> 00:44:13,209 They said they had a bunch of things for a red light camera, 577 00:44:13,209 --> 00:44:15,083 some sort of spray that did not work 578 00:44:15,083 --> 00:44:19,083 and I saw it advertised, I did not purchase it or try it. 579 00:44:19,209 --> 00:44:24,125 That's usually for speeders trying to avoid laser detectors. 580 00:44:24,125 --> 00:44:27,250 AUDIENCE MEMBER: A lot of questions focused on trying 581 00:44:27,250 --> 00:44:32,334 to prevent reading of your plate and as you mentioned every state has 582 00:44:32,334 --> 00:44:36,999 an obscured license plate law, what about a different approach, 583 00:44:36,999 --> 00:44:41,459 feed it go bad data, lots and lots of bad data. 584 00:44:41,459 --> 00:44:45,334 PUKINGMONKEY: That's one of the things the detector is trying 585 00:44:45,334 --> 00:44:48,999 to find your plate so if you get reflective material 586 00:44:48,999 --> 00:44:53,584 about nonreflective numbers on it, it will probably find your plate 587 00:44:53,584 --> 00:44:56,959 and read the other bad data along with it so you 588 00:44:56,959 --> 00:45:01,584 will still probably be captured, but as well as your bumper sticker, 589 00:45:01,584 --> 00:45:04,999 that you tried to say semi colon 1 equals 1 to try 590 00:45:04,999 --> 00:45:10,375 to dump on it, but you gotta do that in, like, eight characters. 591 00:45:10,959 --> 00:45:16,751 AUDIENCE MEMBER: My questions is about sanding down license plates. 592 00:45:16,751 --> 00:45:18,417 I have a bunch of people in Arizona that sand 'em down, 593 00:45:18,417 --> 00:45:20,999 everything around the numbers. 594 00:45:20,999 --> 00:45:21,999 What's that about? 595 00:45:23,999 --> 00:45:28,709 PUKINGMONKEY: Sanding the plate will remove the reflectivity. 596 00:45:28,709 --> 00:45:33,999 AUDIENCE MEMBER: (Away from microphone.) 597 00:45:33,999 --> 00:45:42,918 PUKINGMONKEY: Yeah, it has the numbers though on it, right? 598 00:45:42,918 --> 00:45:43,918 Visibly. 599 00:45:44,250 --> 00:45:50,083 One of the ways detectors are looking to find it on the back of the car, one 600 00:45:50,083 --> 00:45:54,792 of the ways it does that is by reflectivity.